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Staffing Solutions

5 Temporary Staffing Mistakes

Photo of Owner and President, Trish Bowen-Banister, meeting with a male in her office while taking notes and smiling.

Temporary staffing can provide a wealth of benefits when utilized correctly – however, not everyone knows how to get the best service (and candidates) from their agency of choice. Here are the top 5 mistakes to avoid with temporary staffing when looking to expand your workforce with temporary employees.

  • Expecting high quality candidates immediately
    • We get it – the unexpected happens, and you need help! However, high quality candidates are in high demand, and they have options. Providing your agency at least 24-48 hours notice of a large staffing need will ensure they have time to vet a large pool of candidates, and only send you the best.
  • Not offering pre-employment tours to temporary employees
    • Everyone wants a choice – and when temporary employees are sent to a working site without getting to see it first, the falloff rate increases dramatically. By offering a brief site tour or walkthrough, you will greatly reduce your first week attrition – saving you time and money in re-training replacements.
  • Not communicating well with your agency
    • We take our job seriously. When an order is received, we do everything in our power to ensure it is filled in a timely fashion. We’re also human – and understand your circumstances may change. It is critical to communicate any changes to your order to your staffing provider.
  • Providing preferential treatment to your full time staff
    • While your temporary workforce may only be on site for a short period, their experience will last a lifetime. Give them an exceptional experience, and you have a brand ambassador for life! Discriminate.. and.. well you get the idea.
  • Not providing any training
    • It’s hard for anyone to do a good job if they aren’t shown how. While it may feel like an unnecessary time investment – it will tremendously impact your temporary staff’s productivity and morale for the time they are with you.

Avoiding these mistakes to avoid with temporary staffing will ensure you get the best results from your workforce and your staffing agency.

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